Secretaries' files: Iran mission, 1881-1968 (bulk: 1911-1965)


Secretaries' files: Iran mission, 1881-1968 (bulk: 1911-1965)

Records consist of minutes, reports, correspondence and miscellaneous materials that document the Board of Foreign Missions' tripartite mission to the Iranian people against a background of political, economic and social upheaval. Reflected are the effects of world war, civil war and revolution both on the Iranian people at large and on the work of the Presbyterian Mission specifically. Reflected here are both the development and decline of institutions such as Alborz College. The decline of mission institutions in the 1950s, and especially the 1960s, underscores both the success of the Mission in terms of advancing the educational and medical care of the Iranian people as well as the rising tide of Iranian nationalism - a dominant theme throughout this collection.

25 cubic ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 6670396

Presbyterian Historical Society, PHS

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